Allpolnische Jugend

Articles with the tag Allpolnische Jugend


RechtsextremismusNoch sind Polens Rechtsextreme nicht verloren

Erneut demonstrierten in Warschau Zehntausende gegen die vermeintlichen Feinde des Vaterlandes.

Dec. 22, 2023


Right-Wing ExtremismTens of thousands at far-right independence march in Warsaw

Several tens of thousands of people took part in the nationalist Independence March in Warsaw on Nov. 11, 2022.

Nov. 12, 2022

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Right-Wing ExtremismNationalists set fire to apartment: Riots during Independence Day march in Warsaw

Several tens of thousands of people took part in the nationalist Independence Day march in Warsaw on 11.11.2020.

Nov. 12, 2020

Categories: Antisemitism, Monitoring, Right-Wing Extremism, -> All articles